Pomodoro Technique for Time Management

by Justin on July 7, 2010

Pomodoro TechniqueTime Management is I suspect an issue that effects many of us. I recently came across a rather cool technique that is completely free.

The Pomodoro Technique is a method designed by an Italian University student, Francisco Cirillo, back in 1992 around his old Pomodoro (Tomato) shaped kitchen timer. He breaks down his work day into 25 minute slots, which he calls a Pomodoro. Every Pomodoro is timed in his case he uses a kitchen timer but I use something called The Action Machine that I picked up some time ago. I am a bit of a software geek so I find this pretty useful, but don’t worry a kitchen timer will do just as well and save you a little money!

Every Pomodoro Francisco suggests a 5 minute break and then every 4 Pomodoros you should take a longer break!

My productivity has been boosted dramatically using the Pomodoro technique. You can download the book and read more about The Pomodoro Techinque at http://www.pomodorotechnique.com. It has been downloaded over 30,000 times and is used around the world. This is a completely free download and requires no optin.

Would love to hear your thoughts on The Pomodoro Technique, especially if you start to use it!

To see The Action Machine in action so to speak you can watch this video:

I would love to hear your Productivity Techniques so please comment below with any thoughts you may have!

How about you, what do you think?

Pomodoro Technique

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